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Where can I get ELDT training?

ELDT training is available in all 50 states. You can find ELDT training courses near you by visiting the TPR (Training Provider Registry).

Follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Training Provider Registry

To find an ELDT training program, search the FMCSA's Training Provider Registry (TPR). All training programs listed in the TPR are accredited and meet the FMCSA's minimum standards. Some states may have additional requirements for ELDT, such as minimum age or a minimum number of hours of driving experience. Applicants need to check the requirements in their state before enrolling in an ELDT course. ELDT is not required for individuals who already hold a CDL and seek to renew or upgrade their licenses.

Visit Training Provider Registry
Training Provider Registry
Training Provider Registry
Training Provider Registry
  1. Select the training type you need

Click the “Training Type” field and click a "Theory" or "Behind-the-Wheel" checkbox for Class A, Class B, Passenger, School Bus, or Hazardous Materials endorsement. Click “Done” to confirm your selection.

Choose your ELDT training type
Choose your ELDT training type
Choose your ELDT training type
  1. Enter your location if you need Behind-the-Wheel training

Type in your location (city and state), or click “My Location” for automatic location detection.

Enter your location
Enter your location
Enter your location

If you know the ELDT provider you’d like to enrol with, you can also type their name in the “Provider Name” field.

  1. Choose your ELDT provider

The Training Locations list will display the ELDT-certified providers in your area. You’ll see the provider’s name, address, phone number, and website, if available. Click the “In-Person” or “Online” tab to filter the list. Only ten providers are displayed on the list by default, but you can change this by clicking 25, 50, or 100 in the “View” selector at the bottom of the list.

Choose your ELDT provider
Choose your ELDT provider
Choose your ELDT provider

Q: Can I do ELDT training online?

Yes, it is possible to take ELDT online. Applicants can complete the theory portion and receive the ELDT Theory Certificate online. However, the second portion of ELDT (ELDT Behind-the-Wheel) must be completed in person or in a classroom setting. You will need to find a local driving school certified to provide the behind-the-wheel training portion of ELDT. It is important to note that ELDT requirements may vary by state, so be sure to check with your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for specific requirements in your area.