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How much does ELDT training cost?

How much does it cost? The Entry-Level Driver Training (ELDT) program is a training course that is designed for individuals who are seeking to obtain their commercial driver's license (CDL). Traditionally, the cost of ELDT can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the format of the course, the length of the course, and the location in which the training is being conducted. Some ELDT programs may be offered in person at a truck driving school or training center, while others may be offered online or through a combination of in-person and online instruction. In general, the cost of ELDT can range from a few hundred dollars to over a thousand dollars, depending on the specific program and the resources and training that are included. It is important to carefully research and compare different ELDT programs in order to find the one that best meets your needs and budget.

We've partnered with CDL Premium - the only 2-in-1 FMCSA-approved program that costs less than $100/month and prepares you for your knowledge exams in addition to issuing an ELDT certificate. It guarantees you’ll pass on the first try, or you you'll receive a full refund.

Visit CDL Premium

What does the cost of ELDT depend on?

All training programs listed in the FMCSA's Training Provider Registry (TPR) are accredited and meet the FMCSA's minimum standards. But why do some charge about a hundred dollars while others charge up to two thousand? It's all about the programs they offer.

ELDT training price
ELDT training price

Do you need ELDT Theory or Behind-the-Wheel certification - or both?

There are two components to ELDT certification:

  • ELDT theory certificate

  • ELDT BTW (Behind-the-wheel) certificate

Some programs may offer a more comprehensive ELDT curriculum that includes both theoretical and behind-the-wheel training, while others may focus on just one of these components. The cost of ELDT training at the companies that offer Behind-the-Wheel ELDT training will be higher than the cost of ELDT training at companies that offer only theoretical ELDT training. Why? Because the behind-the-wheel component typically involves more hands-on, practical training and may require the use of additional resources, such as vehicles and instructors.

The ELDT theory certificate is a credential that certifies that an individual has completed a training program that covers the knowledge and theory necessary to operate a commercial vehicle safely and efficiently. Topics that the program must cover include commercial driving regulations, vehicle operation and maintenance, and safety procedures.

The ELDT Behind-the-Wheel (BTW) certificate is a credential that certifies that an individual has completed a training program that covers the skills necessary to operate a commercial motor vehicle safely and efficiently. Topics that the program must cover include vehicle inspections, backing and maneuvering, and emergency procedures. The BTW training involves hands-on driving practice, with an instructor supervising the trainee as they operate a commercial vehicle.

To obtain ELDT certification, an individual must complete both the theory and BTW training and pass both the written and skills tests. The theory and BTW components can be completed at the same time or separately, and may be offered by the same training provider or by different providers.

The only exception to this requirement is HazMat certification. HazMat certification does not include hands-on practice. Hence only an ELDT theory certificate is required.